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Article: Sacred Geometry: What is the real meaning behind it?

Sacred Geometry: What is the real meaning behind it?

Sacred Geometry: What is the real meaning behind it?

Sacred geometry can be found everywhere around us, creating intricate patterns and fundamental structures of life found in the universe. Sacred geometry refers to the geometrical shapes, mathematical proportions found in music, light and cosmology. Looking around us, these shapes can often be found in our unique nature or in the beauty of human-made monuments.

Throughout history, philosophers, mathematicians, and artist have been captivated by the beauty of these divine proportions. Going back through time, ancient civilizations such as Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Buddhism and Christians have used the principles of sacred geometry in building their temples and arts, with a strong belief that these shapes held a high spiritual significance.

‘The key to divine harmonic proportion(Sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion. Harmonic proportion and progression are the essence of the created universe’. (Moustafa Gadalla)

This is the real representation of the forever changing nature that surrounds us.

Pythagoras a Greek mathematician and philosopher known for this theory of ‘Pythagorean theorem’ ,believed that numbers and geometric shapes had an association with mathematics, music and spirituality, further stating that these intricate patterns could be used to understand the complex universe we live in.

Adding to his theory is Ancient Greek philosopher Plato, establishing the ‘Theory of forms’, also describing the Platonic Solids. The 5 platonic solids being the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, forming the basic shapes of the four primary elements – earth, air, water, fire.

Now let’s look at the different principles of Sacred Geometry?

The main belief behind sacred geometry is that the universe is build in harmony and unity which is represented by the perfection and precision of geometric shapes and patterns.

The main shapes illustrating unity are the circle, square and spiral. The circle representation of unity, with a deep spiritual significance of the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

The square representation of stability and balance and is associated with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.

The spiral representation of growth, our spiritual journey and path towards enlightenment. Spirals often seen in shells, galaxies, also forming the basis of the Fibonacci sequence or Golden Ratio.

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· Sacred Geometry Explained 

· Sacred Geometry: Patterns Shaping the Universe 

· Sacred Geometry in Ancient Egypt 

· Sacred Geometry in Plato’s Timaeus 

· Understanding the Universe Through Sacred Geometry: Pythagoras’ Fascination with Shapes and Numbers 

· What are Sacred Geometry Symbols 

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